Category: Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

COVID Policies Update
For 2021-2020 KDJSS & Moment With The Masters

COVID Policies Update
For 2021-2020 KDJSS & Moment With The Masters

Greetings Federation Members and Supporters, We hope this finds you and your families in good health and spirits. The Board and the TAC continue to hold weekly meetings to discuss Covid safety measures regarding the upcoming 2021-2020 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment with the Masters. Current policies include: Attendees shall adhere to CDC, […]

Longview, Texas Native Kris Poole Awarded 8th Dan
November 21, 2014 Ramona, California

Longview, Texas Native Kris Poole Awarded 8th Dan
November 21, 2014 Ramona, California

Perry Araeipour, Sa Bom Nim captured an historical moment through the lens of his camera as Kris Poole, Sa Bom Nim from Longview, Texas in Region 6 of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® was awarded his Moo Duk Kwan®  8th Dan certificate by H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim on November 21, 2014 in Ramona California at the 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.