Phil Duncan

Phil Duncan serves as the Executive Administrator of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® providing and coordinating support services for the U.S. Federation Board, the Kwan Jang Nim, the U.S. Technical Advisory Committee, U.S. Regional Officials, U.S. Members, the Board Directors of the charitable non-profit U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan FOUNDATION and the World Moo Duk Kwan. He can be contacted at National Member Headquarters or or (888) SOO-BAHK

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Albert Pike

Is Soo Bahk Do® Sweeter Than A Bag of Halloween Candy?

Is Soo Bahk Do® Sweeter Than A Bag of Halloween Candy?

What’s better than a bag of candy for Halloween and can also empower a child to protect themselves from bullies even when no authority figure is present to do so?  What can enhance a child’s self esteem like nothing else and boost their confidence?  Soo Bahk Do®  (say, “Sue Baaak Doe”)

Is Tang Soo Do The Same As Soo Bahk Do®?

Is Tang Soo Do The Same As Soo Bahk Do®?

No. Tang Soo Do is not the same as Soo Bahk Do®. The Tang Soo Do martial art system developed by Hwang Kee was a precursor to his more advanced Soo Bahk Do martial art system.
Moo Duk Kwan martial art school Founder Hwang Kee taught an early iteration of his martial art system and philosophy under the name “Tang Soo Do.” Later he modified the contents of his system and coined the name “Soo Bahk Do®” to identify his unique martial art system as taught in all authorized Moo Duk Kwan martial art schools worldwide.